Sabtu, 10 September 2016

How Best To Internet for Children and Teens

Since the internet is not just using technology based network cable (wired), and the subsequent development of wireless based (Wifi, Mobile Cellular) as well as its integration in telecommunications technology, then since it is also interaction between people more easily in accessed. Various devices and internet facilities in devices such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablet offered to the public by various manufacturers to meet what is required by the public to communicate / interact, look for a variety of information in the internet world. Use of the Internet at this time is not only limited to certain circles, the age limit and so forth, as well as children and even many applications are favored by children currently in operating must be connected to the Internet network. The positive impact is felt by the internet to children it also has a negative impact because children who still tend unstable and like trying new things, without supervision and control of the parents will impact negatively on children's development. Kids can hang out in cyberspace there are no restrictions at all, regardless of age, religion, race, class. If the parents do not monitor the development of their children can be a son - his daughter become victims of the cruelty of the virtual world. Many applications are free for download which is not really appropriate to use, but easily manipulate the data in order to access the account, as well as the use of photo profile that does not his/her belong .As illustrated as follows:

One night, around 02.00 am. I opened one of the social networking site. Suddenly, from the lower right corner of the screen appears small. The name written there. Andri (not her real name).

"Good evening Aunty ..."

"Good evening ... What are you doing there?"

"After chatting,  ... but could sleep ya!"

"Why ... where your mother's father? '

"It's been sleeping all!"

"Then  know what you are doing?"

"Yes, ... still can't sleep ... it's okey for me ..."

"Unusual how? It's the middle of the night .... Should you sleep ... you will go school for  tomorrow, right? "

" Okey, let me offline...... "

Facility contained in the Internet is also now more numerous and easy to use. Applications that are used can not be separated from advertisements that can load sites in the internet that are harmful to children pornography, gambling and so forth. For the monitoring and communication of parents to their children in using the Internet so required.

Interact with the Internet can not be denied however pengwasan and communications and guidance is very necessary for the characteristics of children by the age of the internet use:

Age 3-5 years
The role of a parent is required to perform the introduction of the Internet for children this age. At the time of accessing the site or aplication software used in accordance with the age of five, then surf the Internet performed together as the best decision. Not only the safety of children, but also the interaction between parents and children still happens between the two. Various knowledge, new experiences and even new ideas can be present as when it is appropriate to use the internet, anything interesting material for use by children and so on.

Age 5-7 years
Having started on how to use the internet as a good and true, Children begin to explore their own interest, but still accompanied by a parent. To facilitate this, the parents can suggest to her to make a special search engine or directory children as sites that must be opened when first connected to the Internet (default) but the child's comfort in using the internet should still be maintained.

Age 7-10 years
At this age, children begin to look for information and social life outside of their family. This is where the friendship factor and play groups have a significant effect on a child's life. At this age children begin to ask a lot more freedom than their parents. Kids must be encouraged to explore their own, although that does not mean parents just get out of hand. Preferably, never putting a computer, much less connected to the Internet network in the private room of children. Put the computer in a room in the family room so the adults easily oversee the child's interactions with the computer as well as when interacting using a mobile phone, tablet, blackberry and so on.

Furthermore, what if an when you as a parent can not accompany children?

In order to keep creates a feeling of security and comfort to both sides, hence the need for consideration to using a third party as a substitute parent, like Uncle, aunt or other close family. If no, what should be done? As a parent does not have to worry, you can consider a software filter, search engines put a special child as a site that should be visited or use a browser designed specifically for children. There are also many applications that can be downloaded for free to control parenting to children while using the Internet. You can do the blocking of sites that do not need, can read the history of what has been done of the child to use the internet as long as you are not in addition to them and you can even terminate the Internet connection remotely if the child has entered the site / application should be does not need to be used. Internet usage duration can also be set, such as how long to be connected and so on.

Internet use also would have been plenty for teenagers, such as increasing the information, the knowledge they need, use of certain applications on the Internet can bring them to interact and exchange information with each other, internet also can help them to find what they like to help develop the skills, talent and knowledge they possess. But in children's development itself is necessary to remain unnoticed, if a child shows unnatural behavior, immediately discuss with them. Find out, whether the internet is the cause. In life, need to remain stressed to them that socializing with the surrounding environment, not least with surfing fun throughout the day. When the child begins to look addicted to the Internet or gaming, then discuss with them even if it needs to be discussed with experts. They know very well how to make your child's life not only spent at the computer. In using the Internet connection should use the internet facilities at home rather than in public places. As a parent should be pointed out to open the site - a news site or education. Because indirectly have an example to son - daughter to go to the site anyway. Therefore, at this time not only the internet access via computer / laptop, but also through mobile phones can then suggest to frequently check on your child's phone. Applications are favored by children in general is a game, to administer and recommend the installation of a game that can help the learning process. If children have social media accounts, such as Facebook and so on, it would be nice if you know the address of your child's Facebook account and watch. Do not let your child put up pictures of a slightly open genitalia, because of course it will adversely affect the parents and the child. Similarly, if the discount blog / site, you also need to know the address of your blog your child, see what the contents of the writing on the blog your child, any image on display in blog your child, see all the contents of the writing in her blog, what there is a violation of norms, and see the pictures on display, is there anything unlawful and what image it deserves to be displayed.

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